Monday, February 3, 2014

Three Minutes Changing Gears

A month ago I had a brilliant idea. Genius, really. To get you to share your writing on this blog, I bribed you with the chance to win fabulous creative writing-related prizes and a trip in Morzant’s ship. Okay, there was never talk of Morzant’s ship, but there were fabulous creative writing-related prizes.

I don’t know what went wrong. Bribing has always worked for me in the past. The hundreds of responses I expected never came. To cheer myself up, I took the money I’d saved for the Normanday Creative Writer’s Hundred-Percent-Visible-Prize Bundle and spent it on a gourmet worm and snail dinner.

As I digest this expensive, slimy spread, I’m going to rethink Normanday. Maybe I’ll keep posting writing prompts. Maybe I’ll use Normanday to showcase sections of the novel I’m working on. Maybe I’ll perform séances or post dip recipes. I don’t know yet. I just know whatever I come up with is bound to genius.

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