Hi, I’m Violet and I am going to tell you something you will want to know if you like the picture book Z IS FOR MOOSE and if you have read Z IS FOR MOOSE I bet you like it and if you haven’t read it you should read it very soon because it is so good and it will make you laugh.
The writer of Z IS FOR MOOSE is nice and she is giving away an autographed copy of Z IS FOR MOOSE and that means that she will sign her name in the book. And she is really nice because she is giving away something else too and that something else is a plush version of the main character Moose who is so cute in his shirt with an orange stripe and he would be fun to cuddle while reading the story about him.
So if you want to win an autographed copy of Z IS FOR MOOSE and a cuddly Moose to cuddle while you read Z IS FOR MOOSe you should go to the author’s Web site and this is a link to take you there: Z IS FOR MOOSE contest.
The writer of Z IS FOR MOOSE is nice and she is giving away an autographed copy of Z IS FOR MOOSE and that means that she will sign her name in the book. And she is really nice because she is giving away something else too and that something else is a plush version of the main character Moose who is so cute in his shirt with an orange stripe and he would be fun to cuddle while reading the story about him.
So if you want to win an autographed copy of Z IS FOR MOOSE and a cuddly Moose to cuddle while you read Z IS FOR MOOSe you should go to the author’s Web site and this is a link to take you there: Z IS FOR MOOSE contest.
Originally posted on February 29, 2012.

by Kelly Bingham, illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky
Greenwillow-HarperCollins, 2012
A Book Review by
Violet the Telekinetic Puppy

I’m Violet and I am going to tell you about a funny picture book called Z IS FOR MOOSE.
If you know your ABCs you know that “Moose” does not start with the letter Z. If you don’t know your ABCs I will tell you that “Moose” starts with the letter M. Because this book is called Z IS FOR MOOSE you probably think that the author of this book does not know her ABCs. But if you think that you are wrong. The author of this book is just very funny and she wrote a funny picture book about a funny moose named Moose who is very happy to be in an alphabet book.
My name starts with the letter V and that is the twenty-second letter of the alphabet and that means if I were in an alphabet book I would be on the twenty-second page. Moose’s name starts with the letter M so he should be on the thirteenth page. But Moose is an eager beaver moose so he shows up on the fourth page and that is the page for the letter D and Duck gets mad. When Moose shows up on the E page Elephant gets mad.
Moose isn’t on the page with the letters F and G so you probably think you won’t see Moose again until the M page. But if you think that you are wrong. Moose shows up on lots and lots of pages before the M page because he is too excited to wait. I am not sure if Ice Cream gets mad at Moose because Ice Cream does not have a face but Zebra is in charge of the alphabet book and he gets mad at Moose for not waiting his turn.
On the M page something happens that is a surprise and that surprising thing makes Moose very mad and then very sad but it makes readers laugh because it is a funny surprise. I want to tell you what the funny surprise is but I won’t because if I did then you wouldn’t be surprised.
There is something I will tell you and that something is that Moose is on lots and lots of pages after the M page and that is good because I love Moose.
Do you know which page Moose isn’t on? The V page! But don’t worry because Moose is on lots and lots of other pages and that is good because you will love Moose.
Z IS FOR MOOSE is so funny and you will want to read it lots and lots of times and every time you read it you can look at the funny things happening in the pictures. My favorite funny picture is on the K page and on that page Moose is peeking out of a mama kangaroo’s pouch.
Moose causes lots and lots of trouble in this alphabet book. Moose wouldn’t cause so much trouble and make a duck and an elephant and a zebra and probably an ice cream mad if he could be in an alphabet book all by himself. Here is an alphabet book with just a moose in it:
A is for Antlered moose.
B is for Big moose.
C is for Cute moose.
D is for Dear moose.
E is for Eager moose.
F is for Funny moose.
G is for Good moose.
H is for Handsome moose.
I is for Itchy moose.
Do you know something? It is hard to write an alphabet book with just a moose in it. And an alphabet book with just a moose in it isn’t as funny as an alphabet book with an eager beaver moose like Moose who causes trouble.
Here is a list of who will like this book:
Readers who are learning their ABCs.Readers who already know their ABCs.Mice.
G is for Good-bye.
1 comment:
Hi Violet! Thank you so much for spreading the word about my contest. And thank you again for the lovely review! Moose thanks you, too!
Kelly Bingham
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